by Rod Williams, May, 26, 2012 - "Agenda 21 is patterned after Hitler’s Final Solution, but on a Global
scale. Once all people and properties are accounted for, the murder will
The above quote is just a comment posted on an obscure blog, however, this kind of stuff is being spread widely over the internet. Apparently many, many people really believe this. Other than Glen Beck, not a single conservative of any stature has had much to say about Agenda 21. Some talk show host and politicians have pandered to the paranoid and said anti-agenda 21 things as kind of throw away lines, but they have not said any thing substantive or in-depth on it. Not a single serious conservative commentator has editorialized on it.
No respectable publication or mainstream web site is writing about Agenda 21. No mainstream conservative organization is warning about it. Only the John Birch Society and a few other John Birch Society front groups and clones are reporting on it. The Hermitage Foundation warned about the danger of anti growth policies at the local level, but essentially said don't worry too much about Agenda 21.
If you google "agenda 21" you get thousands and thousands of hits from people warning of the dangers of Agenda 21 and people claiming everything from mixed used zoning, to community gardens, to wide sidewalks to conservation easements are part of Agenda 21 policies. In community after community, county commissions and city council are passing anti-Agenda 21 resolutions. Phrases like "sustainable growth" and "transportation planning" have become suspect phrases. Use some phrases like that, and some people think you are part of the anti-Agenda 21 plot. The thing is, many of the opponents of community gardens or wide sidewalks, do not just, not like them, but they think these things are part of a diabolical plot "patterned after Hitler's Final Solution."
Maybe I am obsessed with this issue, but I think the world has gone nuts! And, few in the conservative movement will stand up to these people. These people are bat-shit crazy! It can't get weirder than this! Taking this stuff seriously is right up there with wanting to build a UFO landing pad in Nashville, as we once had a Councilman introduce legislation to do. This Agenda 21 stuff is making me embarrassed to be a Republican, a conservative or part of the tea party.
I am starting to think that in a plot to totally destroy and discredit the conservative movement, that maybe some alien force allied with George Soros has beamed lasers into the minds of tea party members and captured their brains, and are making them say stupid things like Agenda 21 is patterned after Hitler's Final Solution. Maybe this big space ship is circling the earth .............
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