Monday, January 07, 2013

Dean files $110M mid-year capital spending plan

City Paper, January 4, 2013, - Mayor Karl Dean has submitted a mid-year capital spending plan including $110 million in proposed spending, his office announced Friday. A majority of the funds in the plan will go to the city’s stormwater program and the new Lentz Public Health Center, the mayor’s office said.

The plan also includes funding for improvements to the Bridgestone Arena, and a new police Central Precinct, which is currently located inside the arena. (link)

Comment: The Capital improvements budget does not actually appropriate any money but is nevertheless very important. If it is not in the plan, it will not get funded unless the plan is amended. This sets capital spending priorities for the city. The Capital Improvements Budget will be before the Council on January 15. As soon as it is available, I will post a link.

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1 comment:

  1. what we need is massive metro spending to justify even higher taxes to pay for said 'necessities'; repeat, repeat, etc.
