Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Education Reformers rank Tennessee among the best

Tennessee earned a C- on the education policy report card released Monday by StudentsFirst. A "C-" may not sound that great but no state go an "A" and only two sates got a "B". Most states got Ds and Fs. Notice that this was a ranking of the State, not Nashville. Nashville probably pulled down the state average.  After last night's vote against Charter Schools by our Metro Council and the School Board's recent deviance of the State and success in keeping Great Hearts from opening a school in Nashville, Nashville would have probably gotten a well deserved F-.

The Tennessaean, Jan 8, 2013- A national education reform group ranks Tennessee among some of the best on a list of states where policies promote the traditionally Republican agenda of more charter schools, private school vouchers and increased ability of parents to make school choices.(read more)

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