Thursday, January 03, 2013

First Tuesday is Monday July 7th, Jim Tracy and Bill Ketron.

Sen. Jim Tracy
First Tuesday this month will be on Monday January 7th at  The Law Offices of Waller/Lansden., 511 Union Street. 

Guest will be State Senator Jim Tracy, who has just announce he will be running for the US Congress challenging  Representative Scott DesJarlais for the Republican nomination in the 4th District. Also, State Senator Bill Ketron, the Republican Caucus Chairman will be speaking. There will be a discussion about what to expect in the 2013 Legislative Session.

Sen. Bill Ketron
1st Tuesday is always a great event. Hear interesting speakers in a room with a view, have a nice meal for a reasonable price and network with other Republicans. Park for free or cheap in the public garage beneath the library, which is less than a block away. Anyone is welcome to attend. The meeting is exactly one hour long, so you can attend and not be gone from work that long. If you are a Republican or a conservative and in the Nashville area, you really owe it to yourself to start attending 1st Tuesday. Previous guest speakers have included, Governor Bill Haslam, Lieutenant Governor Ron Ramsey, Senator Lamar Alexander, Mayor Karl Dean, former Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, economist Authur Laffer, Senator Bob Corker and former Speaker of the House and presidential candidate Newt Gringich.

To reserve lunch or to be added to the list and be notified of future meetings, visit the website at First Tuesday.

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