Monday, January 28, 2013

Gail Kerr gets it; the school board may have.

Gail Kerr: School board may have learned why charters succeed

by Gail Kerr, Jan 28, 2013, The Tennessean - Metro school board members nailed it last week with a direct question: If the district’s most successful middle school test scores are coming out of six charter schools, how can regular schools emulate that success? (read more)

(I am seeking a writer for this blog to cover education issue. If you think of yourself as right of center, believe educating children is more important than social engineering, support school choice, care about education, and can be conscientious and timely in reporting on education issues and want to write, I would like to talk to you about taking over all or some of the education reporting for this blog. Email me at Rod)

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