Monday, January 14, 2013

Haslam says he will introduce his own proposal for a school voucher program in Tennessee.

NASHVILLE, TN (WSMV-AP) - Gov. Bill Haslam says he will introduce his own proposal to create a school voucher program in Tennessee.

The Republican governor told reporters after an education discussion with former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush on Monday that his voucher bill will be targeted at children from lower-income families who attend the state's worst schools.

"We will have a voucher bill. We are working out the specifics of that and talking with a lot of interested parties," Haslam said. (link)

My Comment: I'm pleased. While he is promising only a limited program that will only be available to low income families in the state's worst schools, this is a start. If it proves to be a success, then opposition to expansion should be minimal.

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