Monday, January 21, 2013

Join the discussion at Conservative Fusion: Is America's founding secure?

This meeting was scheduled for last week, but due to a travel advisory it was rescheduled to this week.  We will be meeting Wednesday, January 23rd, 7PM to 9PM at my home. Please go to this link to register so I will know how many people to prepare for and you will be given the address at that link. I will provide wine, beer, soft drinks and snack food.

If you have thought about attending a meeting of this group but never have because you failed to read the book, well this time there is no book. We have had a few of these meetings where we discuss a question or have a debate instead of a book to read. These generate some interesting exploration of ideas. Just think about the question and come on. Here are my suggestion for thoughts to ponder as you contemplate the topic question:

  • What do we mean by "the founding?" 
  • Is the founding secure? Why or why not?
  • How "perfect" was the union originally?
  • Were there tensions present at the founding that are still with us today?
  • If our founding is not secure, where did we go wrong?
  • Are the principles present at the founding still guiding principles today?
  • Is our founding endangered by changing values and the changing character of the American people?
  • If our founding is not secure, what steps must we take to secure it. 
February Meeting to discuss Men and Marriage. 
Following the meeting this Wednesday, the next meeting of Conservative Fusion will be February 20th and we will be discussing  Men and Marriage by George Guilder. This is one of those important books that I know about but have never read. I am looking forward to reading it. Get your copy now, so you can read it and be prepared for the discussion in February. Here is a link to Amazon were you can order the book.

From the Back Cover

"Men and Marriage . . . is an outstandingly important and well-argued book." National Review. 
Drug Addiction, lack of education, welfare, children in poverty, violence, unemployment, single-parent homes-these critical problems facing our country today. Many ideas have been presented regarding the cause of these problems, but only George Gilder speaks directly and with authority about their one undeniable source: the disintegration of the American family. Men and Marriage examines the loss of the family and the well-defined sex roles it used to offer and how this loss has changed the focus of our society. Poverty, for instance, comes from the destruction of the family when single parents are abandoned by their lovers or older women are suddenly divorced because society approves of the husband's new, younger girlfriend. Gilder claims that men will only own up to their paternal obligations when the women lead them to do so and that this civilizing influence, balanced with, proper economic support, is the most important part of maintaining a productive, healthy, loving society. He offers a concrete plan of action for rebuilding the family in America. His solutions challenge readers to return to these roles and reestablish those family values which were once so crucial in staving off the ills that plague our country. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

About the Author

George Gilder is author of several books on social and economic issues. He was a speech writer for President Reagan and now writes regularly for the Wall Street Journal and Harpers.

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