Saturday, January 05, 2013

Lesbian scholar in the field of “womanist theology” to head Vandy theology school

Emilie M. Townes
Lesbian homosexual activist Emilie M. Townes, a distinguished Yale University scholar whose areas of expertise include Christian ethics and "womanist theology," has been named dean of Vanderbilt University Divinity School, effective July 1, 2013, pending board approval.

Womanist theology "is a religious conceptual framework which reconsiders and revises the traditions, practices, scriptures, and biblical interpretation with a special lens to empower and liberate African American women in America."  (link) As far as I can determine Womanist theology is blend of   Feminist theology , Black theology, and liberation theology.  

Townes is the author of Womanist Ethics and the Cultural Production of Evil and she pastored United Faith Affinitas, a Black LGBT  (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgendered) congregation in Chicago. She is also a blogger at The Huffington Post. She recently wed her same sex partner in Connecticut.

This appointment of a lesbian activist as Dean of Theology at Vanderbilt follows an earlier slap in the face to Christians, when in 2012 Vanderbilt announced that Christian student organizations could no longer require their leaders to be Christian. 

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  1. Vanderbilt continues to make uneducated (kindest word I can think of here) decisions.


    1. God has neither parts no passions.

  2. R. Barry Sorrells, MD class 1958January 28, 2013 at 5:30 PM

    This confirms my opinion that Vanderbilt has become an institution (the best I can say about it) that is far different than the one I attended and loved. In no way would I encourage my grandchildren to attend Vanderbilt and for them to waste someone's money mailing me fancy brochures is just that--a waste!. RIP Vanderbilt University

  3. So sad but this fits the Vanderbilt culture now. I imagine that those who profess a faith in Christ at Vanderbilt will be ridiculed, marginalized and minimized, such as they have recently done with their all comers policy. So sad ...

  4. So sad! I in my eld will never get the answer whether the 'gays' ever studied anatomy 101 or even gave thought to why God designed bodies as he did. They shoose to use the body as they 'desire'.

  5. You all are so ignorant. Gay is normal. Please educate yourselves.
