Wednesday, January 23, 2013

'No budget-no pay' legislation passes with bi-partisan support

Today the House passed No Budget-No Pay legislation with bi-partisan support.

The bill will require the House and Senate each to pass a budget, and Member pay will be withheld if they fail. It's time for the Senate to act. It has been almost four years since the Democratic-controlled Senate passed a budget, That is an outrage.

 I believe in giving credit where credit is due. While I disagree with Jim Cooper more often than I agree with him, without his efforts this would have never passed. Congratulations Jim Cooper.

 Jim Cooper's 'No budget, no pay' legislation approved in House as part of debt ceiling extension

The Tennessean
The idea, first introduced by Rep. Jim Cooper, D-Nashville, during the last Congress, was part of the bill passed in the House to suspend the ..

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