Tuesday, January 29, 2013

This ain't your Daddy's Fairground

This is the consultant's concept of what the fairground could look like after development:

Report: Fairgrounds redevelopment gives bigger jolt for Nashville

Jan. 23, 2013, Joey Garrison, The Tennessean - Supporting a new mixed-use development on Metro Nashville’s 117-acre fairgrounds would provide an economic jolt far greater than renovating what’s there now, city consultants contend in a new report released Monday.(link)

The consultant's presentation will be available at this link later today: http://www.nashville.gov/Planning-Department/Tennessee-State-Fairgrounds-Master-Plan.aspx.

This pie-in-the-sky proposal has been expected. The skids have been being greased for some time to destroy the fairgrounds. Despite 70% of those who voted in a public referendum voting for the fairgrounds, those who want to destroy it are not giving up.  The vote by the public, did not protect the fairgrounds, it only made it a little more difficult to destroy it.

There is a proposal afloat to turn the fairgrounds over to a private concern, with a long-term lease, who
would operate it in the public interest preserving the current functions and making major improvements to the site. There may be more than one entity with such proposals. The Fair Board should forget about selling the site to private developers and destroying the fairgrounds and instead listen to the people who clearly wish to keep the fairgrounds. They should put out a Request for Proposals and see what private investors will offer.

Those interested in Saving the Fairgrounds must stay involved. Those wishing to destroy the fairgrounds are not giving up.

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