Thursday, January 10, 2013

Video and summary of the 1/8/2013 School Board meeting

This meeting is 1 hour and 45 minutes long. There is very little of a broad general interest that occurs at this meeting and there is no controversy.

There is a discussion of School security including plant design, protocol and the cost of armed guards (see 1:07:08- 1:30:32)

Board member Amy Frogge announces she will be bringing an anti State charter authorizer resolution to the Board at the next meeting.

Announcement: I am looking for someone to take over the job of reporting on education matters for this blog. Your post would carry your byline.  I would want someone who has a passion for education and who would be diligent and timely. I would prefer someone with conservative values similar to my own, however if a person was more liberal than I, but could report on education matters with objectivity they would be considered. If interested, contact me. Rod 

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