Sunday, February 03, 2013

1st Tuesday with John Ryder and Chris Devaney

If you missed  TN Republican National Committeeman JOHN RYDER when he visited us in NOV.... you now have a rare opportunity to see the most insightful man in TN on NATIONAL level politics...... For those of you who heard John, I know you will look forward to hearing from him again. He told us about what DID happen.. now we will hear about what is going to happen Nationally !
JOHN and TN Republican Party Chairman CHRIS DEVANEY  ... [the most insight man in TN State level politics] will BOTH join us at 1ST TUESDAY on Tuesday, FEB 5th !!!
What do YOU want to know about ????
1] What took place behind the scenes at the NRC meeting in Charlotte last week?
2] The internal discussions around the HOT button item of "IMMIGRATION" ?
3] The multitude of prospective US SENATE races coming in 2014 !  [any idea how many DEMs currently hold a US Senate seat in a  RED state ?]
4] How did Republicans get whipped so bad  "down ballot" and what is the RNC preparing to do about it ? 
5] Anyone want to ask about Scott DesJarlais ?
6] What's the deal with the 180,000+ "non-citizens" on the Voter rolls in FL ?
7] What do you want to ask about ??
In short, the 2 men with access to political information and insights in the State of TN will be together... and at 1ST TUESDAY next week !!
Event details follow. in the trailing email.. but as always.. you can RSVP and prepay for lunch at the 1ST TUESDAY website []  -- then click on 'Shopping Cart".
Doors open at 11AM for Coffee & Social time.  [NOTE: - Waller's room renovation has been delayed till JUNE so we will meet on the 27th floor as usual ]
 Invite guests if you know others who would enjoy this most insightful lunch !
Hope to see you Tuesday, FEB 5th 
Tim Skow

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