Tuesday, February 26, 2013

ABC/BBC feature on the NRA, Sandy Hook, Debra Magart

From Debra Maggart

Dear Friends: Below is the link to the ABC/BBC feature on the NRA's tactics, and the  Sandy Hook shooting.

http://www.abc.net.au/foreign/  This aired today and will be seen around the world.

Many thanks to my friend, Ted Lyon, who allowed this film crew to spend the entire day at his home shooting this news story and to all of my friends and family who "starred" in the segment on our gun culture and what the NRA did in my race and to my reputation.  

I thought the piece was very well done and I am sure it will enrage some acolytes of the gun lobby.   The mother of the little boy named Noah who was killed at Sandy Hook Elementary is of course,  heartbreaking.  

~ Debra
Debra  Young Maggart

Below is an excerpt: 
And so suddenly it’s mum against monolith.

The National Rifle Association is arguably the most muscular lobby group in the US, turning politicians into shivering jelly and running an elaborate, well financed PR machine that has managed to translate a 200 year old constitutional utterance into an inexorable, inalienable right to arm yourself to the teeth with weapons the founding fathers could never have imagined.

Cross the NRA at your peril. Even gun friendly Republicans can become a target.

Debra Maggart is a life time member of the NRA and always supported its agenda, even voting for a bill that allowed guns in bars. But in 2012 she refused to support a bill that would have allowed Tennesseans to keep guns inside their locked cars, because she thought it was dangerous. She says that as a result, the NRA turned on her, making sure she was defeated in the 2012 primaries.

“They used bully tactics to get their way. They know that everyone is afraid of them.” DEBRA MAGGART, REPUBLICAN
To see the 26 minute news segment, follow this link: Inside the NRA

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