Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Ashley Judd’s history of bizarre comments

Ashley Judd
Ashley Judd keeps being mentioned as a candidate for Senate, either here in Tennessee or in neighboring Kentucky.  It looks more and more like she will run in Kentucky in an attempt to unseat Mitch McConnell. I may be surprised, but I just do not see her being elected. She is way outside the mainstream. The article below exposes some of her weird positions. The picture to the left exposes her biggest career assets but I am not sure that contributes to her political resume. Rod

Ashley Judd’s biggest problem: Her history of bizarre comments

She has spoken out against having kids, saying it is “unconscionable to breed” while there are so many starving children in the world.

She has criticized the tradition of fathers “giving away” their daughters at weddings, calling that practice “a common vestige of male dominion over a woman’s reproductive status.”

She has even compared mountaintop removal mining to the Rwandan genocide, and has criticized Christianity as a religion that “legitimizes and seals male power. (keep reading)

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