Monday, February 04, 2013

Council's NES meeting put off.

I took off from work to attend the 3PM scheduled special joint Council committee meeting concerning NES and it did not occur. It had been rescheduled to 6PM today. Why it was rescheduled at the last minute, I don't know. I am unsure I will be able to attend. the 6PM meeting. If anyone can contact your councilman between now and then or if anyone can attend the 6PM meeting, please do.

Let your councilman know that they should hear from Ken Jakes, the person responsible for bringing the NES illegal activity to justice. Also, tell them you want justice done. Tell them those who committed these criminal acts should be punished and Lacosta Jenkins, should be fired.

To read more on this issue, see the below post:
Let Ken Jakes speak at the special Council Committee meeting on NES!  
Ken Jakes tells NES Board Decosta Jenkins must go!
Ken Jakes turns up the heat on NES 
Formal ethics complaint filed against NES's Decosta Jenkens. Public needs to demand action!
Audit of NES shows an outrageous lack of ethics (link to article by Gail Kerr)
Some NES employees need to go to jail, a lot ought to lose their job. (with Channel 5 video)

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