Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Electronic Deposit of Federal Benefits MARCH 1, 2013

After March 1st, 2013 the US Treasury will only be distributing federal benefits, like social security, electronically. Funds will either need to be electronically deposited to your bank or credit union account or if you do not have a bank account, you will receive your benefits through a Direct Express Debit MasterCard.

There are still thousands of seniors in our area who are not prepared to make the mandatory
switch to electronic Social Security payments on March 1, 2013. Those seniors who do nothing will automatically get a debit card. Some will think it is an unsolicited credit card and throw it away. If that happens there could be a delay in getting benefits restored and another debit card issued. If you have an elderly family member or close friend receiving Social Security you may want to ask them if they have made the switch. Help spread the word.

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