Thursday, February 28, 2013

Guns-in-trunks-in-parking-lots heads to the Governor | Nashville News, Weather 

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – The House has voted to send to the governor's desk a bill to allow the state's nearly 400,000 handgun carry permit holders to store firearms in their vehicles no matter where they are parked.
 Despite the hysteria about this bill, it is worth noting that it really doesn't do much. As explained in this Channel 5 report, "Supporters stress that the measure would not stop employers from banning weapons on their property but would simply remove their ability to call for criminal charges against violators."  Also, "Republican Rep. Jeremy Faison of Cosby said his bill would also not apply to areas like airports, railroads or secure facilities governed by federal law."

The Governor should sign this bill and put this issue to rest. 

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