Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Joe Carr has added Thomsen Smith to his campaign "exploratory committee."

Representative Joe Carr has added Thomsen Smith to his campaign "exploratory committee."  Smith, who is a heavy-hitter will lead the fundraising for the Carr committee. Already on board are Republican heavy wights Lee Beaman, who is chairing the committee, and Dr. Nate Schott as treasure.

Thomsen Smith runs RAAMPAC (Republicans Achieving a Majority PAC) for Lieutenant Governor Ron Ramsey. He has worked for the National Republican Senatorial Committee, Bill Frist and Fred Thompson for US Senate, Lamar Alexander and Fred Thompson for President, Ron Ramsey for Governor, and the Tennessee Republican Party under four Chairmen. Thomsen’s past Congressional clients include Ed Bryant for Congress, John Linder for Congress (GA), Mark Norris for Congress, Stephen Fincher for Congress, and Jim Tracy for Congress in 2010.

State Representative Carr is running for the U. S. seat currently occupied  by Scott DesJarlais in the 4th Congressional District. Carr has most recently gained media attention by proposing a bill that says that if the Federal Government passes any new legislation  regarding gun control that not only will the state not enforce it, but local law enforcement personnel will be required to arrest federal agents enforcing new federal gun laws in Tennessee. 

DesJarlais is the ethically challenged Congressman who ran as a pro-life candidate who tried to talk a mistress into having an abortion and who did encourage his then wife, now ex-wife, to have two abortions, which she had.  Also, he is a medical doctor and in violation of ethical standards slept with at least two of his patients, one of which we know he prescribed drugs for, which apparently makes the offense of sleeping with a patient somehow even more offensive. Anyway, he is a deeply flawed human being and a hypocrite who needs to be defeated in a primary challenge. The primary will be in 2014 and since the district leans heavily Republican, the winner of that primary will most likely win the general election.

In addition to.Joe Carr who is exploring running against Desjarlais, State Senator Jim Tracy has also announced he is running.. Senator Tracy has received the endorsement of Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey, former Republican Gov. Winfield Dunn, Senate Speaker Bo Watson, Senator Mark Green, and others. This is going to be a long campaign, expensive and hard fought. Hopefully no other major candidates will get in the race. It would be a shame if the vote was slit so many ways that Desjarlais remained the Party's candidate.

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