Sunday, February 24, 2013

Save our Fairgrounds: Call to Action

From Save our Fairgrounds:

The Board of Fair Commissioners will be meeting at the Fairgrounds Administration Office Board room Tuesday morning, February 26, 8:00 AM.

The decision of who will operate the Fair at the Historic Fairgrounds will be decided at this meeting. Two groups have been bidding to operate the September Fair since last October.

According to the Fairgrounds accountant, the hard cost of the fair being held on the Fairgrounds is $200,000.00+.

The TSFA, the same group who designed and lobbied the legislation removing the right and ability of our Metro Fair Board to produce the State Fair as they have for the past 106 years, is offering a guarantee of $50,000.00 with ticket sales incentives to make up the shortage in cost. TSFA would retain all parking income and would not pay an additional fee for table and drape rental. This deal leaves the Fairgrounds and the citizens of Davidson County exposed to potential loss. No other vendor wanting to rent the facility is able to work the same type of financial arrangement.

Universal Fairs is the other company bidding to operate a 2013 Fair. Universal Fairs had an opening bid of $250,000.00, plus parking revenue and additional rental fees would also go to the Fairgrounds. This week, Universal Fairs secured an additional Fair sponsor and have upped their guaranteed bid to $500,000.00 VS the TSFA $50,000.00 guarantee.

Fairgrounds staff is preparing to ask Metro for a first ever taxpayer subsidy to operate the Fairgrounds. The ½ Million Dollar offer to the Fairgrounds by Universal Fairs would all but eliminate the need for Fairgrounds staff to ask for a taxpayer subsidy.

As you can see, The Universal Fairs offer is the best financial deal for the Fairgrounds and the people of Davidson County.
The attached link is a letter to the Metro Board of Fair Commissioners asking the Board to Make the best financial decision and contract with Universal Fairs to operate the 2013 Fair.
Please take a moment, go to the link, and send this email to the Fair Board.
Your input is vital to the effort to Save Our Fairgrounds

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