Thursday, February 28, 2013

School Vouchers topic of next First Tuesday

From Tim Skow, First Tuesday:

One of the OLDEST political adages is "Politics makes strange bedfellows"....

This will certainly be on display Tuesday, March 5th at our next 1ST TUESDAY lunch!

Today in the TN Legislature, one issue is mixing -  MILLIONS of your tax $$$$ -  VERY powerful special interest groups squaring off - Governor Haslam's top legislative initiative, Extremely mad School Boards across the State of TN....  and is driving the LIBs and our friends in the Press apoplectic !!!!

Some call them "Opportunity Scholarships"... or "Vouchers" .... or "robbing Public Schools"... The Legislation that passes is about to affect millions of Tennesseans .. and the future of our State.

NOT only will the Legislation that passes affect all Public Education as you've know it.. it is it also expect to have a HUGE IMPACT on future elections in TN..  -- yes --- there will be political consequences !! And you are going to want to know about them all !

On MARCH 5th, we will hear from several "experts" about all the facets of the MOST intense issue of the 2013 Legislative Session ... and the Legislative fight that will have a HUGE impact on the 2014 races in MANY districts.

Our Special Guest Speaker(s) for the day will include:

Lee Barfield - [long time confidant of former US Senator Bill Frist], from SCORE - discussing how "Opportunity Scholars", Charter Schools and related topics will affect educating TN's children

Chip Saltsman - former TN Republican State Party Chairman, Campaign consultant multiple races including the Mike Huckabee for President and TN-3 Congressman Chuck Fleischmann. Seats in the Legislature will turn on this issue... expect Chip to offer some critical insights into what to expect.

Dr. Patricia Mathes PhD- Director of The Institute for Evidence-Based Education at SMU, where Texas Instruments has endowed her Chair. Dr. Mathes was nominated by President Bush '43 for 1 of the most critical positions in the US Government regarding Education, but the "Massachusetts Gob of Goo"...also known as US Senator Ted Kennedy refused to let nomination come up for a vote. Dr. Mathes received her PhD from Vanderbilt and remains keenly interested in Nashville's' Public Schools

A number of State Legislators,  Metro Council members, and others will also join us.
In short, this will be 1 of the most powerful Q & A Sessions ever at 1ST TUESDAY!

Plan to join us on March 5th !    Visit the 1ST TUESDAY website at  to sign up for lunch. This HOT topic will draw a huge crowd... Selling out is likely.. so plan join us and come see many others you know for our Coffee and Social Time... doors will open at 11AM.  [the Q&A will be  classic!! ]

As always, we will meet at The Offices of Waller Law - 511 Union Street -27th floor.
Lunch starts at 11:30AM and is $20 for 1ST TUESDAY Members and $25 for Guests...
[$30 at the door for those without an RSVP]. Program starts promptly at NOON and Q&A sessions concludes promptly at 1:00PM.

Hope to see you at 1ST TUESDAY ... on Tuesday, March 5th

Tim Skow

ps -- Remember for April 2nd ..our Guest Speaker will be Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn.. if you want .. buy lunch for BOTH events.. just put that info in at the bottom in "Special Instructions" when you sign up ! NO DOUBT, April 2nd will quickly become a SOLD-OUT as well !

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