Friday, February 08, 2013

Tony Roberts seeks reelection as 2nd Vice Chair of the Davidson County Republican Party

Tony Roberts

Tony Roberts of Nashville has announced his candidacy for reelection to the position of 2nd Vice Chair of the Davidson County Republican Party.  Tony is a single father of two daughters and a realtor specializing in residential and commercial real estate.

He is a leader and one of the founders of the Conservative Groups of Middle Tennessee. He is presently the chair of the newly founded GOP Minority Coalition of Tennessee. He has also worked as an officer of elections for the past 12 years for the Davidson County Election Commission in representing the Republican Party. He has held fundraisers for local candidates for city council and for state house races. He also has worked walking door-to-door for candidates and worked the phone banks.

Tony has worked with many conservative groups including the College Republicans and Young Republicans. He was a past vice chair of the Davidson County Republican Assembly. He is a member of the Latino Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, West Wilson Chamber of Commerce, West Wilson Rotary Club, involved with the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, vice president of the board of directors for the Wilson County Arts Alliance, member of the Tea Party, member of the Tennessee Republican Assembly, member of the Center Right Coalition, member of Eagle Forum, member of the Standard Club of Nashville, and a member of the City Club of Nashville. He is a member of the Cathedral of Incarnation of Nashville where he serves as an usher. His education includes a BA from the University of Tennessee, a BS and an MBA from the University of Phoenix.

Tony wants to organize the Party from the precinct level up and for the Party to be inclusive of all Republicans.  Opening up the doors of participation are the tools to grow the party, he says. “How does one know who we are as conservatives and Republicans without the knowledge of what we believe and how we plan to achieve our goals. We as Republicans too often stand on the sidelines as cheerleaders hoping our philosophies will be heard. We are in an economic and a constitutional war with present leaders infringing on our rights as free citizens. I have been in the trenches for years and feel that we must take our positions and make a stand or this nation will fall by the wayside as so many nations have fallen in the past."

The goals for 2014 must be strategically formulated in the year 2013, says Tony. "We must participate in the building of grassroots participation and the vetting of true candidates for the cause. They must be trained in the execution of our beliefs and not waver."

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