Wednesday, February 06, 2013

What happened in the Council Feb, 5, 2013: Bridgestone improvements and more corporate welfare

Here is the video of last night's council meeting. It is 2 hours and 19 minutes long. I have not watched it yet myself. If you wait, I will watch if for you and tell you what is important and where to go in the video to see the rousing rhetoric, passionate speeches and exciting debates. I also may tell you what to think about it. If you can't wait, have at it.

Below is the Tennessean's coverage:

Metro Council signs off on arena improvements, other spending

 by Joey Garrison, The Tennessean, Feb 5, 2013- Major exterior upgrades are in store for Bridgestone Arena's south side, including new retail and restaurants to anchor a second stadium entrance, as part of a $110 million capital plan the Metro Council approved Tuesday.

Also Tuesday, the council agreed to forfeit millions of dollars in tax revenue for the promise of job creation after approving separate property tax discounts for Nashville-based AmSurg Corp and Seattle's Oberto beef jerky. The deals are intended to spur investments from the companies. (link)
Here is the City Paper coverage: 

Council passes AmSurg, Oberto tax breaks despite last-minute amendment effort

By Steven Hale, City Paper,Tuesday, February 5, 2013 - 
Councilman Josh Stites, a consistent opponent of Metro’s tax incentive packages, offered amendments that would have required the companies to reach job-creation benchmarks in order to receive the full tax break. They were defeated, but the idea of including more accountability in similar deals going forward found support. (link)

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