Thursday, March 28, 2013

Are all 3 Republicans being replaced on County Election Commission?

I was shocked to hear this evening that all three Republicans on the Davidson County Election Commission are to be replaced.  If my source is correct, none of the current Republican members are going to be reappointed!  Many Republicans have been disappointed with Patricia Heim's service on the Commission  and many were hoping she would be replaced, however, I don't think anyone thought Lynn Geer and Steve Abernathy would not be reappointed.

Tonight one of the Republican election commissioners told me he got a call this morning from Beth Harwell telling him he would not be reappointed.  New commissions will be officially appointed on April 1, when the State Election Commission meets. The new people who are going to be appointed should have been told by now.  I don't know who they are.

Since Republicans control the State House, all county election commissions across the state are now in the hands of Republicans.  County election commissions are governed by a board of five commissions, three of whom are Republican and two of whom are Democrat.  Mark Goins, the State Coordinator of Elections appoints all of the members of all of the state's county elections commissions and they are confirmed by the State Election Commission.  In reality, the elected Republican legislators in a county appoint the Republican members of the commission and the elected Democrat legislators appoint the Democrats to the county election commission. These elected officials recommend to the state  Coordinator of Elections who to appoint and he appoints them. Once the people appointed to the county election commission are confirmed and take office they elect their chairman from among their members.  The commission hires the County Administrator of Elections who oversees the day to day operation of the Election Commission. 

There is a move afoot to get Albert Tieche, Davidson County Administrator of Elections, fired. And, if what I have been told is correct, that effort is being led by Patric Heim.  This, along with some other actions of Heim, has made her unpopular with many Republicans. Supposedly a list of 200 charges were to have been presented to the State Election Commission on March 21 but that was put off and was going to be presented at the next regular State Election Commission meeting on April 8th.  However, one commissioner told me recently that, they had been promised a chance to review the charges before they were presented to the State Election Commission and they had not yet received them. (To read more about this issue, follow this link.)

Another recent controversy at the election commission was a move by Steve Abernathy to insure that foreign born voters who registered to vote at the Department of Motor Vehicles while getting their drivers license renewed, were in fact American citizens.  There is reason to suspect that some may not be. (To learn more about this controversy, follow this link and this link.)

As soon as I learn who is going to be appointed to the county election commission, I will share it. Stay tuned.

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