Thursday, March 07, 2013

CPAC 2013 to feature Rand Paul

13 Hours.

Last night, Senator Rand Paul stood up for our Constitution by delivering an almost 13 hour long talking filibuster, the second longest in the history of the U.S. Senate!

“I will speak as long as it takes, until the alarm is sounded from coast to coast that our Constitution is important, that your rights to trial by jury are precious, that no American should be killed by a drone on American soil without first being charged with a crime, without first being found to be guilty by a court.” Senator Paul started.

Senator Paul, joined by Senators Barrasso, Cruz, Johnson, Lee, McConnell, Rubio, Toomey, and several others, filibustered the Confirmation of CIA Director-nominee John Brennan to bring attention to the use of drones against American citizens.

Here’s your chance to save big when you join the ACU and see Senators Paul, Cruz, Lee, Johnson, McConnell, Rubio, and Toomey at CPAC 2013 as we all #standwithRand in support of the Constitution.

To get your 25% discount, just use code STANDWITHRAND when you purchase your tickets. Registration is open now, click here.

Don’t miss out, like the filibuster, this promo only lasts for 13 hours!

Check out our schedule, updated daily, on the new CPAC 2013 website under “Program.”

We hope you’ll join us at CPAC next week!
The American Conservative UnioN

I look forward to attending the CPAC convention next week. This will be my first time to attend. In addition to Paul Rand, almost every other important conservative public figure will be in attendance: Gov. Bobby Jidal of Louisiana , Senator Marco Rubio, former Speaker of the House Newt Gringrich, Sarah Palin, Dr. Ben Carson who gave the keynote address at the National Prayer Breakfast earlier this month, Texas Rep. Ted Cruz, former Senator Rick Santorum, House Speaker Eric Cantor, Tennessee's own Diane Black and Marsha Blackburn, Allen West, and a bunch of others. There are still tickets available. If you are planning to attend drop me an email and maybe we can connect while at the convention.

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