Friday, March 22, 2013

Dan Davis seeks Chairman GOP Nashville

From Dan Davis:
About Dan Davis
Dan Davis is the Current 1st Vice-Chair of GOP Nashville and has been an active member of  GOP Nashville since 2009. Dan resides in Antioch and is a teacher and assistant football coach at Pearl-Cohn Entertainment Magnet High School in Nashville. Dan has also worked in the golf industry as a golf pro and product rep. His experience in the school system and in the golf industry has given him a unique view of how things work in both the public and private sectors.
Involvement in GOP Nashville
Dan has been actively involved in the Davidson County Republican Party since 2009. Dan successfully ran for 2nd Vice-Chair in 2009 and was elected 1st Vice-Chair in 2011. During his tenure, Dan helped re-write the county party bylaws, helped candidates fund-raise and campaign, helped create programs to promote the Party and has worked to build relationships with other Republican groups.
Two of his most successful efforts have been the Conservative Groups of Middle Tennessee and the Tennessee Republican Minority Coalition (The Minority Coalition). Under his leadership, the Conservative Groups of Middle Tennessee has evolved into a solid and committed network of Republicans across the region who collaborate on projects and host events to promote the Party. Dan is also a founding member of the Minority Coalition, which has made its mission to actively reach out to the different minority groups in area in an effort to grow the Party in Nashville.
Vision for GOP Nashville
Dan’s vision for GOP Nashville is growth – through outreach and participation.  It's Dan's belief that in 2013, GOP Nashville is poised to become a true political force in Davidson County and in the state of Tennessee. Dan's plan for that growth is outlined in the following:
Growth: Dan intends to grow the party from the grassroots up – both financially and politically.
Outreach: Dan has demonstrated a commitment to growing the Party by reaching out to a diverse   constituency – diverse in gender, race, ethnicity, religion, cultural background and age – and actively engaging them in the Republican Party. It's Dan's belief that a Party that more closely reflects the diversity of Nashville only strengthens GOP Nashville's position and ability to shape the political landscape in Davidson County.
Participation: Dan believes that outreach should include extending a seat at the table and giving those who want to participate the information, resources, and ability to do so. Under his leadership, GOP Nashville will continue to focus on local issues, local political races, and growth, but it will also focus on becoming more inclusive, which in turn will garner more support and more votes for the Party.
I have posted announcements of several candidates who are seeking leadership positions with the Nashville GOP. Posting of a candidate's announcement should not be construed as an endorsement of that candidate. Who ever is elected I will wish them the best and will continue  to support the Party. Rod

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