Tuesday, March 12, 2013

House Votes to Kill Per Diem for Nashville Area Lawmakers

House Votes to Kill Per Diem for Nashville Area Lawmakers 

My Comment: This is an overdue reform. One should not get a per diem of $107 a day and yet sleep in your own bed at night. While 50 miles is arbitrary and there is no reason why one living 51 miles away should get it yet one living 50 miles away should not, any program with a limit faces the same concern. Some people are always just above or below the limit of the program and feel that that is unfair. Some people make $1 too much to qualify for foodstamps or live only one house outside of their preferred zoned school zone. Just because some people bump up against the limit, is no reason not to have limits. The Senate needs to get on board and pass this bill.

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