Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey to appear at Tracy fund-raiser

 Ramsey to appear at Tracy fund-raiser
Shelbyville Times-Gazette

Jim Tracy (R-Shelbyville) has announced that Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey (R-Blountville) will attend a fund-raiser Thursday in Bedford County to benefit Tracy's campaign for the 4th District U.S. House of Representatives seat. 

"I support my friend Jim Tracy for Congress wholeheartedly and without reservation," said Ramsey in a news release issued by the Tracy campaign.

"Conservatives will have no better friend in Washington than Jim Tracy. Jim's conservatism doesn't reside only in his policy positions and public pronouncements; it lives in his heart and is embedded deep in his character. Jim and I have fought side by side for years in the State Senate for balanced budgets, low taxes and pro-life values. I can't wait for Jim to bring his Tennessee wisdom to Washington."

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