Monday, March 25, 2013

Marsha Blackburn to be guest at 1st Tuesday

From Tim Skow,

Ladies & Gentlemen... 1ST TUESDAY is proud to announce that on Tuesday, April 2nd ... making her long awaited return .... as our guest speaker will be Congressman Marsha Blackburn !

Marsha Blackburn
Do you want to really KNOW about what is going with -- 1]Sequester fallout?  2] what really happened during "Obama's Charm Offensive" visit? 3] the upcoming Budget fight with the US Senate? 4] the Debt Ceiling? 5] something that is not even in the news yet?
IF SO, you will want to be at 1ST TUESDAY on April 2nd  !! 
Given the early responses ... expect this event to sell out  !!
As usual, we will meet at The Offices of Waller Law.. 511 Union St, 27th floor. Doors open at 11AM for Coffee & Social Time.  Lunch from Alexander's Catering will start at 11:25. Lunch is $20 for 2013 Members and $25 for Guests ...Since a sellout is expected, I will begin a waiting list once the room is sold out. If any seats open up, paying at the door will be $30.
Seating for Members & Guests can be secured via the 1ST TUESDAY website at   - click on "Shopping Cart". There you can secure seating for you and your guests.  --
PS -- see our new website sponsors including Dr. Carol Swain and her TV show !
For those who prefer to pay by check... make your check out to  1ST TUESDAY    and send it to my attention at :   [make sure to include name(s) of your guest(s) ]
Tim Skow
Box 1233
Brentwood, TN   37024    [please confirm with an email at
As you would expect, there will be a number of Legislators and other notable Members & Guests ... if you have someone you want to catch up with .. OR... introduce to our group...  then make sure to secure your seat(s) and join us for ---   
1ST TUESDAY on Tuesday,  April 2nd !! 
We look forward to seeing you there.. join us as close to 11AM for Coffee & Social Time as your schedule allows.
Tim Skow

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