Friday, March 29, 2013

New Report from Vandy U. offers road map for Nashville Schools

As part of the long-range planning NashvilleNext initiative, Vanderbilt University and David Lipscomb University education experts have prepared a report on the status of public education in Nashville and have make recommendations for the future. (read more)

I would encourage those who care about the future of pubic education in our community to get involved in the planning process of NashvilleNext. Future decisions will be justified based on their conformity to this plan and the plan will guide decision makers.  If only advocates of bigger government, higher taxes, and social engineering are involved in developing the plan, then the plan will reflect those values. If advocates of individual liberty, property rights, and excellence in education are at the table those values may be reflected in the plan.  The plan needs the input of all Nashvillians.

I have not yet read the full 40 page education report but plan to do so.  I hope those who care about the future of education in our community will read the report and then get involved in the NashvilleNext planning process.

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