Sunday, March 10, 2013

Parents Deserve More Great Public School Options : Vote YES on HB702/SB830

We need your help!

Please take 30 seconds to
sign this petition in support of House Bill 702/Senate Bill 830, sponsored by Representative Mark White and Senator Delores Gresham. This bill ensures that national best practices are incorporated in the charter school authorization appeals process. We support this legislation because we believe it is crucial that politics no longer serve as a roadblock in decisions impacting public education opportunities for Tennessee's children.

Thanks to your support, this legislation has already passed out of the house education committee, but we still have bridges to cross. Your signature on this petition will help ensure legislators know that a large community of advocates are behind this bill.

Sign this petition -- we're counting on every VOICE!

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1 comment:

  1. Since the voucher version is discriminating against 95% of the school districts (and even within those if you are not taking free or reduced lunch you can't leave), the public charter is really the only new option. The public system is only willing to dump their bottom 5% academically (that are also taking free or reduced lunch) on the privates via the vouchers.
