Friday, March 01, 2013

 Dear Red White and Food Members:

As we’re sure you’ve seen in our member communications and your local media, the wine in retail food stores legislation has passed the Senate State and Local Government Committee.

This is a great first step; but, remember, we have a long road ahead of us!

Next stop for the referendum bill in the Senate is the Finance, Ways and Means Committee on Tuesday, March 5, at 8:30 a.m. CST.

We’re getting in touch with you because you live in the district of Sen. Douglas Henry, who is a member of this committee.

Please get in touch with Sen. Henry and let him know that you support wine in retail food stores and, especially, that you ask him to support your right to vote on this issue for your community.

Below are a few talking points for your phone call or to help you draft an email, as well as Sen. Henry’s contact information.

It’s very important to legislators that they hear from individuals in their districts, so please make sure to mention that you are a constituent!

• Sen. Henry, my name is ___________, and I am one of your constituents. I live in [COMMUNITY].
• I just wanted to let you know I am for wine sales in retail food stores, because [list a few reasons such as convenience or support of competition in business].
• Since this bill would allow communities like mine the opportunity to hold local referendums on the issue, I wanted to let you know that I value – and am asking you for – my right to decide.
• As you know, the Senate State and Local Government Committee passed the legislation.
• I know you are on the committee that will see the bill next, so I wanted to make sure to let you know that I support it and that I hope you will continue to allow this legislation to move forward to be heard by the full Senate.
• Please let Tennesseans vote on wine sales.
• Thanks for your time.

Sen. Douglas Henry:, (615) 741-3291

The Red White and Food Team

P.S. If you’re interested in attending the Senate committee meeting on Tuesday, email us at for details.

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