Saturday, March 23, 2013

Robert Duvall elected Chair of GOP Nashville

At the Davidson County Republican Party convention today, Councilman Robert Duvall (left) was elected Party Chairman. Stacy Ries Synder (enter) was elected First Vice-Chair and Tony Roberts (right) was reelected to position of Second Vice-Chair. (photo by Randy Foster)

The county party also elected the following officers and regional vice chairs:

1st Vice Chair — Stacy Ries Snyder

2nd Vice Chair — Tony Roberts

Communications Secretary — Tonya Miller

Recording Secretary — Kathy Langan

Treasurer — Chuck Nabb

Vice Treasurer  — Sabrina Orr

Regional vice Chairs

North — George Rand

North Central — Kay Brooks

South — John Bulla

East — Bruce Patterson

Southeast— Pat Carl

South Central — Diane Ries

West — Lonnie Spivak

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