Friday, March 22, 2013

Robert Duvall seeks Chairman of GOP Nashville

 From Robert Duvall
March 22, 2013
Dear 2013 DCRP Delegates,

Below you will find a bullet point Bio regarding me.  The list should give you a solid overview of my background, successes, leadership, and support the fact that I have been out front in many issues that affect our day to day lives in Davidson County.

While I prefer to not “beat my chest”; I do want to bring to the attention of all delegates that the key to any success in Davidson County will be leadership.  I have a proven demonstrated record of leadership among the organizations I am a member, as well as in the offices I have held.  

We must build on the foundation provided by those that have preceded us.  Organization of the local party is a major factor in achieving success.  Fundraising is absolutely essential, and vetting viable candidates for targeted offices provides us with the opportunity to elect those of our own.
There are three key facets to our plan.
1.    Membership
2.    Fundraising
3.    Viable Candidates

Speaking to those three topics:
1.    Membership 
       a.    We must initiate our ability to utilize electronic data and capture Republican’s in our data base
       b.    We must communicate with them and we must make them part of the Republican family.  
             i.    We will initiate with the Boards support a monthly newsletter related to our meetings. 
             ii.    We will begin to hold monthly membership meetings with keynote speakers to help with membership drives, recruitment, and fulfill a feeling of actually belonging to Republican Party organization.
2.    Fundraising 
      a.    We need to hold a major fundraising event quarterly.     
              i.    This effort will take the full support of the Board, but the life of our organization and the support of our candidates are directly related to our ability to effectively raise money.
3.    Viable Candidates 
     a.    We must identify local 2014 candidates,  
            i.    We have a minimum of two House seats that can be won in 2014.  I am certain other races will also bubble to the top. 
           b.    We must be also working toward the Metro Council elections in 2015.  Sourcing viable candidates is essential to our success.  It is absolutely ludicrous we have Liberal Council Members in predominant Conservative neighborhoods of Davidson County.
I hope this information provides you with a “thumbnail sketch” of where we need to go as an rganization.  The rest is in your hands Saturday morning.  

Please feel free to contact me if you have questions.  I look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning.
A brief bullet point Bio is listed below.
Candidate DCRP Chairman
Councilman, Council District 33
208 Cambridge Place
Antioch, TN  37013  USA

Home: (615) 641-7313
Cell: (615) 594-7313
Noted Conservative Battles:
  • Lead opposition opposing the 2012 Property Tax increase. Submitted ZERO tax increase budget.
  • Worked diligently to pass the Property Tax Referendum.
  • Fought for 2nd Amendment Rights.
    • Lead opposition opposing denying Permit Holders the right to carry in Public Metro Parks.
    • Appeared on Fox National News standing up for the right for Carry Permit holders to carry in restaurants in which alcohol is served.
  • One of the key leaders instrumental in saving the Fairgrounds in 2010.
  • Opposed the Metro changes in their handbook, which provided special rights to “Gays”.
  • Lead opposition opposing Metro “living wage” minimum hourly salary.
  • Co-sponsored the Resolution to remove David Torrence, when he compromised his public trust.
  • Sponsored the Resolution to remove John Arriola, when he compromised his public trust.
Professional Information:Executive Management, Logistics, Customer Service, Supply Chain,Sales & Marketing

Previous Occupation Titles:Vice President of Sales & Marketing; Vice President of Logistics; Director of Logistics; Contractor – Iraq 2004; Principal – Consulting Firm,Sales & Marketing, Logistics, Customer Service, Business Operations & Management, Political Advisor.
Personal Information: Married – Brenda; Three Children – Walter, Michael, December; Four Grandchildren – Taylor, Tyrin, Kaylee, Jayla
Religious Affiliation: Baptist, New Salem Baptist Church - Member
  • United States Navy Reserve 1983 – 1989
  • Military Support Personnel, Contractor – Iraq 2004, Balad, Iraq – Camp Anaconda and Mosul, Iraq – Camp Diamondback & Camp Marez. (Glory)
Education: Business Administration, Washburn University, Topeka, Kansas; Numerous industry and continuing education unit workshops in the field of Logistics
  • Davidson County Republican Party – Member
    • Past 2nd Vice Chair – Resigned for tour of duty in Iraq.
  • Tennessee Firearms Association – Member
  • National Rifle Association – Member
  • Tennessee Republican Assembly – Member
  • Tennessee Republican Party – Member
  • President – Long Hunter Chase HOA
  • Jaycees - Past Vice President (2), Secretary, Director (8)
    • Numerous Civic Awards – Chairman of the Year (2)
  • United Way – Past Fund Raising Captain
  • American Cancer Society – Past Director
  • National Defense Team – Past State Director
  • Council of Logistics Management – Past Director
Honors, Certificates & Awards:
  • 2002 – Outstanding Citizenship Award.
  • 2002 – Patriots Award.
  • Past Candidate US Congress – TN 5th District.
  • Past Candidate State House – 59th & 60th Districts.
  • Elected Metro Council – Nashville, TN 2006, 2007, 2011
Council Committees:
  • Convention & Tourism
  • Transportation & Aviation
  • Codes, Fair, & Farmers Market
  • Public Safety – beer & Regulated Beverages
  • Personnel – Public Information – Human Resources – Housing
  • Public Works
  • Education
  • Health, Hospital, & Social Services
  • Traffic, Parking & Transportation

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