Monday, March 18, 2013

Stacy Ries Snyder, Candidate First Vice-Chairman, Davidson County Republican Party

My Name is Stacy and I am asking for your vote for First Vice-Chairman of the Davidson County Republican Party this Saturday, March 23rd.   

         I have had the good fortune to meet many of you before while campaigning for my father, Bob Ries, who ran for Congress this last time in the 5th District.  Some of you, I have just recently met at the Caucus and you may not know my background.

         I am a Belmont University graduate with a BA in French.  I spent the first part of my life in music and art and the second part, so far, working with my family at our bakery, The French Confection.  I have managed our bakery for the last 14 years.  For the first 13 years, we created wedding and groom's cakes for our wonderful Nashville area brides.  In November of last year we decided to "retire" from wedding cakes to grow our wholesale business -selling cakes to hotels and restaurants.   As some of you are aware, our business has grown and we are among the few businesses who have added workers in this economy.

        If you elect me as your First Vice Chairman, I will use the skills I have acquired both at our business and in my father's campaign to do three main things.  

        I remember (a little nostalgically since I was a Young Republican at the time) the large and elegant Lincoln Day Dinners we had at the Opryland Hotel years ago and I would love to bring our fund raising up with both large scale events like these dinners and smaller events that are just plain fun.  These events are not only a way to grow our coffers but a way to grow our numbers as well.  

        I firmly believe we need to organize our volunteers in a usable database by precincts. We need to do this not only to continue to grow the party but to be a viable help to our candidates.  In this past November Election, we had MANY wonderful folks "come out of the woodwork" to help the Republican Party and the nominee.  If we do not organize these people now, help them find a permanent place in the party and utilize their time, abilities and talents, they will fade away again.   Yet, these volunteers are the backbone of our party! And we need them all year - not just the election years.

        The Republican Party IS the party of our country.  More folks agree with our principles than they do those of the Democratic Party - they just don't know it.  On a national scale, the Republican Party does the very WORST job of defining who we are. Because of this, people do not realize they ARE one of us. I believe we can change this on the county level and that strength of identity will help ALL of our candidates.  Then the candidate will be able to simply talk about their strengths instead of trying to define the party for their electorate.  

        I am asking please for your vote this weekend on Saturday, March 23rd.    I believe I have new and energetic ideas to bring to the party and with your vote and your help, we can make the Davidson County Republican Party the strongest it has ever been and get some GREAT Republican candidates elected!

Thank you.

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