Friday, March 22, 2013

Steve Abernathy on yesterday's Election Commission meeting: We Won.

From Steve Abernathy, 
Commissioner, Davidson County Election Commissiion
Good Evening Friends,
It was a tuff battle, but we won.  Even though the Commission voted to rescind the motion I had made in February, it forced the State Election Coordinator Office to finally set a date to release the report by April 8th 2013.  It was supposed to be released on March 6th, 2012, and that office failed to release the information to the County Election Commissions so we could begin our part of the 30 day process to verify citizenship on those voters identified that registered to vote illegally.   This same issue impacts elections in all States because of the Federal Motor Voter Act, passed in 1993.  Florida, Michigan, and Colorado are three states that took more aggressive action to identify and remove non-US citizens from their voting rolls during 2012.
There have been three major elections in Tennessee during that time, and based on my review of the voter registration document process at the Tennessee Department of Safety, I am certain we had non-US citizens on our voting rolls during those elections.  Anyone on the Voting rolls in error “dilutes” your vote, and should be removed as soon as possible.  I have run various models, factoring the amount of time the “Motor Voter Act” has been in place,  and believe it is possible  we could have between 3000-10,000 non-US citizens on our Voting rolls in Davidson County alone, out of 370,000 registered voters.  Even if it is just one, we must remove that person from our Voting rolls as soon as possible to insure we have honest elections. 
This not only “dilutes” your vote, it also hurts legal non-US citizens when they attempt to get their US Citizenship.  Part of the process of applying for US Citizenship involves Immigration services checking voting rolls.  If it is discovered the non-US citizen applying for citizenship is registered to vote, either mistakenly or on purpose, they could be deported.   They are guilty of a felony, even though a Government employee asked them if they wanted to register to vote, while holding a document clearly indicating they are not a US citizen yet.  This flaw in the Motor Voter Act process is ridiculous and is by definition “entrapment”.   It should be stopped across the country.
This is a timely issue because it is currently being debated at the Supreme Court.  See the attached link.
Thank you for your support and special thanks to Chris Cannon from Channel 5 for doing an outstanding report.
Steve Abernathy
Davidson County Commissioner

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1 comment:

  1. I believe Steve's estimates are certainly possible. MNPS now has a 16% hispanic student population (12,965) according to the state report card.

    It is the one people group that is really disproportionate compared to other areas in the state.
