Monday, March 18, 2013

The 20 Best Quotes from CPAC 2013

20) “I was told I got 10 measly minutes, but just in case, I brought 13 hours worth of material.” -- Rand Paul
19) “American Journalism is dead… They have behaved like hockey goalies in front of Barack Obama’s net.” -- Roger Noriega

18) “The GOP of old has grown old and moss covered.” -- Rand Paul
17) “If standing for liberty and the Constitution makes you a Wacko Bird, then count me a proud Wacko Bird.” -- Ted Cruz

16) “If these experts keep losing elections, keep raking in millions, if they feel that strongly about who should run in this party they should buck up and run or stay in the truck. The architects can head on back to the Lone Star State and put their name on the ballot.” -- Sarah Palin

This is good. I was glad I was there to hear it. To see the rest of the list, click here

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