Saturday, March 23, 2013

The 2013 Davidson County Republican Party convention in photos

checking credentials

Jim Gotto, former Metro Councilman and former State Representative
chaired the Contest and Credentials committee responsible for conducting the
caucus and  convention. He did a great job. Everything went smooth and ran on time.

Election Commissioner Steve
Abernathy spoke about his
fight to ensure only American
citizens are allowed to vote
in our elections.

Kathleen Starnes delivers her farewell address.
The Party has made tremendous strides under
her capable leadership.

Tootie Haskins served as speech
time-keeper and Sergeant-at-Arms

Dan Davis making his speech seeking the position of Party Chair.
Dan had served as First Vice Chair. Robert Duvall was elected
new party Chairman.

Robert Duvall delivers his speech prior to
the vote that elected him Chairman.

Stacy Ries Snyder elected
First Vice Chair

Connie Allison
Places in nomination
Tony Roberts for
2nd Vice Chair

Tony Roberts is elected 2ndVice Chair, out polling
 Pat Carl my only one vote.

New Party Chair Robert Duvall
and outgoing Chair Kathleen Starnes

Pat Carl was reelected as
a regional vice chair

Robert Duvall and reelected
regional vice chair Lonnie Spivak

The new Davidson County Executive Committee. (I know all but a couple of the names so am not going to name them at this time)

Councilmember Davette Blalock (front)
Kathleen Starnes talks with Jim Gotto

Former Executive Committee member
Barry Donegan
Me (Rod Williams)

All photos are by Randy Foster. Thank you Randy,

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