Monday, March 18, 2013

Tonya Miller seeks Regional Vice Chair- South Central Region - Council Districts 16, 17, 18, 19, 21‏

From Tonya Miller:

It would be an honor to serve the South Central Region as the Regional Vice Chair. As many of you know, the convention is this coming Saturday, March 23rd at the Ellington Agricultural Center at 9:00 am. We will vote in our party leadership which will last through the next election cycle. 2014 is a very important election year, primarily for judges. As a full-time Spanish interpreter for six years, I see firsthand how a judge's mindset can sway his/her interpretation of the law. Attached is Stan Scott's user-friendly breakdown of the 2014 elections. Please, take a moment to look at the challenges that face us.

My skill-set for the RVC is ideal. I am an excellent communicator and am already familiar with many of the local social/neighborhood/leadership groups in the area. Some main responsibilities for the SCRVC include: planning, coordinating, directing and reporting activities in the region’s five council districts; assisting the district chairs and vice-chairs recruit precinct captains and neighborhood coordinators. An experienced party member said that the main purpose of our party leadership is to organize and mobilize. I know I am able to assist and have the time flexibility to devote to the party. I admire the other positions' candidates and know that I will work well on the team.

Your support is appreciated. Please, if you have any questions or ideas you would like to share, please email me personally. If not, see you Saturday!

Kind Regards,
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