Wednesday, March 06, 2013

What happened at the Council Meeting 3/5/2013 with summary and notation.

This is a short boring council meeting, just under an hour long. There are no surprises and no controversy, debate or roll call votes. There is no point in watching it. The first 38 minutes are taken up by public hearings on rezoning bills which would concern no one not living in the area of the rezoning. The consent agenda, including  the memorializing resolutions, passes without any bills being pulled off of the agenda.  Other than a couple deferrals everything on the agenda passes. 

Below is the Tennessean's explanation of  BILL NO. BL2013-359.

Metro Council clears way for Renaissance redevelopment
  ...  following final approval Tuesday of a new deal with Renaissance Nashville Hotel. The Metro Council voted unanimously Tuesday to approve a reworked agreement with Renaissance that eliminates an obligation that ...


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