Friday, March 01, 2013

What would your Nashville look like in 25 years?

Here's a link to the Nashville Next forum that has people logging in and submitting ideas and responding to one another with suggestions, and their vision for the future of Nashville. 

Please sign up and send this around to your network of friends so we can grow the base on this site to include a few conservatives voices from the city. 

In addition to the forum, visit the NashvilleNext website for more information.

Mitchell Silver: "Congratulations, Nashville, you have passed the first test."

As part of this two-year long process, there will be series of guest lectures. In addition to the kick-off event, one of these lectures has already occurred. Unfortunately, I had to miss it but it is on video. I have not yet watched it myself, but I plan to. The first lecture was by Mitchell Silver President of the American Planning Association. Mr. Silver recognized Nashville's strong progress in diversity and inclusion during his NashvilleNext Speakers' Series address at Scarritt-Bennett Center on  February 25, while warning that major demographic change is coming and must be addressed, both locally and nationwide. Video of his entire presentation, a background report on equity and inclusion issues prepared by local community members, and other supporting materials are on the Demographics, Equity, and Inclusion page. 

Next Speakers' Series event: Dr. Henry Cisneros

Dr. Cisneros, chairman of CityView and formerly mayor of San Antonio and US Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, will speak on "Modern Cities as Engines of Economic Opportunity and Social Progress" March 11 at the Nashville Children's Theater, 25 Middleton Street

Details and a full schedule of upcoming presentations are on our NashvilleNext Speakers' Series page.

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1 comment:

  1. This reeks of "central planning".

    Just take the fairgrounds and "develop" it; tax property owners out of their home. What Next?
