Monday, April 22, 2013

Congressman Marsha Blackburn attends the funeral of Margaret Thatcher, Video and her commentary.

Published on Apr 17, 2013 Congressman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) speaks with Sky News following the funeral service for Baroness Margaret Thatcher. Blackburn was selected by House Speaker John Boehner to lead a delegation that included Reps. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and George Holding (R-NC) to attend the service for the former British Prime Minister, which was held at St. Paul's Cathedral in London.

Blackburn Statement on Baroness Thatcher's Funeral

Washington, Apr 15 - Congressman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) today was selected by Speaker John Boehner to lead a delegation of House members to Baroness Margaret Thatcher’s state funeral.

"It is a distinct honor to lead the House delegation to former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Baroness Margaret Thatcher's funeral,” Blackburn said. “Lady Thatcher's fight for freedom and freedom's cause is one we will honor as we pay our respects to her family, her colleagues, and the country she loved. Her deep and abiding friendship with America altered the course of history and I am grateful for her example and legacy."

“Margaret Thatcher was one of the greatest champions freedom has ever known, and her funeral gives Americans and friends around the world an opportunity to pay our final respects,” said Speaker John Boehner.  “I’m pleased that Congressman Blackburn will lead a House delegation to Baroness Thatcher’s funeral to communicate our prayers and condolences to her family and the British people.”

The House delegation will also include Reps. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and George Holding (R-NC). 

Iron Lady led with grace, championed noble causes

The Tennessean, editorial page, Apr 22, 2013- They stood a dozen deep. Young and old, they lined the streets behind the flag-draped barricades. The rain began to fall almost as if the sky itself mourned the loss of a leader.

She held true to her conservative principles in the face of overwhelming public opinion. Her determination in freedom and freedom’s cause truly changed the world. She was a noble leader for noble causes. (link)

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