Thursday, April 18, 2013

Good news! I thought wine-in-grocery-stores was dead for this session but it is still advancing.

Dear Red White and Food Members:
Last night the Senate Finance, Ways and Means Committee voted to pass the wine in retail food stores referendum bill. Read a statement from Jarron Springer, Tennessee Grocers & Convenience Store Association president, about the outcome of the vote:

We are glad to see the wine in retail food stores referendum bill regain its momentum in the Senate. The Finance, Ways and Means Committee’s passing the legislation today puts us another step closer to Tennesseans’ having the right to vote on where they buy wine in their communities.

“The adopted amendments on the bill will help create a level playing field for all parties, and we look forward to this bill’s being heard by the full Senate in next year’s legislative session.

Again, I want to express my appreciation to Lt. Gov. Ramsey, Speaker Harwell, and our bill sponsors Sen. Ketron and Rep. Lundberg for their support and commitment to making this a comprehensive piece of legislation.

We’re hearing from our customers that they’re still very excited by the possibility of voting on wine in retail food stores for their communities, and we believe this public support will lead to the bill’s eventual passage by the full Tennessee General Assembly.

Please take a moment to thank the senators who voted to give their constituents, and other Tennesseans, the right to decide where they buy wine in their communities.

Below is a list of the legislators in the Senate committee and how they voted on the referendum bill. Please take a minute to call or email these senators who voted “yes,” as well as Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey, and thank them for looking out for Tennessee consumers.

• Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey,, (615) 741-4524
• Voted “yes”:
      o Sen. Steven Dickerson,, (615) 741-6679
      o Sen. Ferrell Haile,, (615) 741-1999
      o Sen. Douglas Henry,, (615) 741-3291
      o Sen. Bill Ketron,, (615) 741-6853 *Sen. Ketron is the bill’s sponsor in the Senate.
      o Sen. Randy McNally,, (615) 741-6806
      o Sen. Mark Norris,, (615) 741-1967
      o Sen. Bo Watson,, (615) 741-3227
• Voted “no”:
      o Sen. Lowe Finney
      o Sen. Joey Hensley
      o Sen. Jim Kyle
      o Sen. Doug Overbey

Thank you for your support.

The Red White and Food Team

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1 comment:

  1. Seems pretty simple to me. The groceries should just start calling themselves "farmer's markets".

    Doug Overbey did his behind the scenes work to push Pigeon Forge liquor with the illegal referendums (four times in three years). Can't give all that new business away to groceries.
