Monday, April 29, 2013

Metro School Board Workshop: Charter Schools

Register says no armed teachers in Metro Schools

This work session of the School Board is one hour and ten minutes long. This is not a regular school board meeting. There is no published agenda.

Board member Jill Speering provides valuable information for any student or parent of a student who will be taking the ACT test (see 3:40 in the video).

School Board member Sharon Gentry talks about the TCAP lab. This lab can increase a child's TCAP score (see 7:09).

School Board member Will Pinkston reports on the School Board's Mayor's budget hearing (see 9:22). Pinkston is the Board's chair of the Board's finance committee. We must go back to the drawing board and reduce our increased funding request by about half, he says.

This year the State Legislature approved legislation that would permit, with local authorization, teachers who are former or current law enforcement officers to carry a gun in the class room. Dr. Register states he is opposed to allowing any teachers to carry weapons in the classroom (see 20:22).

The reason for this workshop is to explain the approval process and timeline for approval of charter schools. The discussion begins at 22:12 in the video. Mr. Alan Cloverstone makes the presentation. There is a good slide presentation that helps explain the process. Anyone who is an active advocate of charter schools needs to master this information. I am impressed by Mr. Cloverstone. He certainly knows his subject matter and does a very good job of explaining things. I have the impression that he is smart, fair, and objective. There are six applicants for charter schools. Anyone interested in getting their child in a charter school needs to watch this presentation. To learn more about the applicants and the timeline, follow this link.

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