Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Tennesean reports on the opposition to common core

Today's Tennessean has a lengthy article explaining common core and explaining the opposition of some conservatives. The article reports that some conservative groups want Tennessee to drop its commitment to common core and get out of it. They see it an an attempt to centralize education in the hands of the federal government. Below is a link and selected excerpts from the article.

TN school standards plan draws fire

“There may be some folks around the country that might be satisfied that Tennessee’s academic performance is poor,” said Jamie Woodson, president of the State Collaborative on Reforming Education and a former Senate education committee chairman who supported Common Core’s adoption. “We are not.”
But it was public insults from national critics that prompted Tennessee’s most recent push to improve. In 2006, the magazine Education Next gave the state its “cream puff award” for having the nation’s lowest standards. A 2007 National Chamber of Commerce report awarded Tennessee an “F” in Truth in Advertising, a grade based on National Assessment of Education Progress results showing not even a third of Tennessee students performed proficiently in reading and math.

The state’s own tests showed nearly 90 percent proficiency.
The National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers, both nonprofit coalitions, headed up writing the standards. They’re not a curriculum, just an accounting of what students should know when. Districts choose their own textbooks and teachers write their own lesson plans to get there.

Tennessee students will be tested on the new standards in the 2014-15 school year.

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