Thursday, May 16, 2013

A "Save Our Fairgrounds" Call to Action: Attend the Council Budget Hearning.

From: Save our Fairgrounds

Call to Action:

The PUBLIC HEARING for the 2013-2014 Metro Budget will be held this coming Tuesday, May 21st.
This will be our only chance to speak out in support of the Fairgrounds.
It is imperative that we have a large number of red shirted Fairgrounds supporters on hand urges everyone to get out their red shirts and fill the Council Chambers in support of the Fairgrounds.
A Council Chambers filled with red shirts will serve as a reminder to council members the support from Nashville citizens for the historic Fairgrounds.
Councilman at Large Stein made special mention of the large turnout for the Arts Commission Hearing. Proof that your presence is noticed and needed.
If we want the Fairgrounds to continue and prosper, we need some assistance from Metro.
The proposed subsidy from Metro would be the first needed in the storied 107 year history of the Fairgrounds.
The Fairgrounds hosts over 600 events a year.
An estimated 1.2 Million citizens and visitors help provide nearly 60 Million dollars in economic impact annually.
The Fairgrounds has provided a great deal in helping Nashville grow into the city we are today.
NASCAR was Nashville's first professional sport providing not only entertainment to our citizens but, a glimpse into Nashville on a national stage in sports. National media covering these events helped fuel our growing tourism business showing the entire country that Nashville is a great place to Live, Work, and Play.

It is VERY important to the future of the Fairgrounds to have a massive turn-out for both the Public and Budget hearings. and the Save Our Fairgrounds facebook page will keep you informed to any changes or additional news concerning the Fairgrounds.

The “NEW” Save Our Fairgrounds T-Shirts will be available at the Public Hearing. The cost will be $10.00. If you can give more, we can use the help.
On the back of these shirts, you will see a growing "Friends of Save Our Fairgrounds" list.
The supporters listed all provided $100.00 or more in goods, services, and cash donations.
Please give them a special Thank You when you see them.
A list of these Friends will can be found at soon.

A budget hearing for the Fairgrounds will be held Wednesday, May 29th at the Metro Courthouse.
Fairgrounds Executive Director Buck Dozier and staff will give a presentation to the City Council sometime after 6PM.
We are scheduled for 6:30 but, budget hearings are fluid in time allotted. So, the schedule shifts. We need red shirted supporters to begin arriving at 5:30PM. We will not have the opportunity to speak at the Budget Hearing but, your presence is needed.

Save the Dates:
Council Budget Public Hearing
Tuesday, May 21st
5:30 PM
Metro Courthouse.

Fairgrounds Budget Hearing
Wednesday, May 29th
5:30 PM
Metro Courthouse

We look forward to seeing you there as we continue to
Save Our Fairgrounds.
“Where Nashville comes together”

To view the Mayor budget hearing on the Fairgrounds and learn more about the fairground budget issues, follow this link.

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