Friday, May 31, 2013

Bill Haslam: Continued Momentum, Continued Success

From Gov. Bill Haslam

Gov. Bill Haslam : Workers' Compensation Reform Bill Signing 

As governor, one of my top priorities is making sure we're doing everything we can to make Tennessee the best state in the nation to live, work and raise a family. And while there isn't a metric or an organization that measures exactly that, there are several annual rankings that help us gauge our progress. Several of those were released earlier this month. Here's a quick run-down of how the volunteer state faired:

No. 1 State for Retirement |
No. 4 State for Business | Chief Executive
No. 4 State for Job Creation & Business Recruitment | Site Selection

Speaking of job creation, we've announced over 1,600 new jobs at 14 different Tennessee businesses in the last month alone. In fact, one of our initiatives aimed at improving the state's business climate, bringing clarity to the Workers' Compensation system through reform, is the subject of the video above. We've made some significant progress over the last few years despite the difficult national business climate, but being proud of the progress we've made doesn't mean we're going to rest on our laurels. Folks across state government are working extremely hard to keep up this significant momentum.

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