Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Davidson County GOP takes no position on Albert Tieche controversy

May 7, 2013 (NASHVILLE, TN) - Davidson County Republican Party Chairman Robert Duvall issued the following statement in response to the controversy surrounding the Davidson County Election Commission:

The Davidson County Republican Party has taken no position with regard to administrative issues or staffing decisions that fall under the jurisdiction of the Davidson County Election Commission. As a partisan organization, it is not within our mission or goals to interfere in the deliberations of an official government organization. Any communication disseminated from sources other than the current elected leadership of the party does not represent policy or views of the DCRP in this matter.

As Nashvillians, we all share a desire to have elections conducted fairly, impartially and in a professional manner. Political considerations have, for too many years, interfered with the proper conduct of elections in Davidson County and the DCRP believes fair elections must be the standard we aspire to. I am confident that this situation will be resolved in a timely manner based on facts and by individuals who wish to see full confidence restored to the operations of the Davidson County Election Commission.

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