Wednesday, May 01, 2013

First Tuesday topic "The future of health care"

From First Tuesday:

1ST TUESDAY members, friends &  Tennesseans VERY concerned about our State:
Those of you here in 1992 remember when Bill Clinton put TN Senator Al Gore on his ticket.... Doing so came with a PRICE to Tennessee....  Our Governor at the time, Ned McWherter agreed  that Tennessee would to become the "Guinea pig for Hillary -Care".... and they called it Tenn-Care ..... 
What was introduced to us a program that would basically be 5% of our State Budget now consumes at least 30% of our State Budget... SO....with the Republicans in charge in Tennessee....  you may be asking ... "Now What ?? "
Want to hear what the future of Healthcare in TN looks like ? What it may cost? Who has a role in deciding ? What the fights are likely going to be about ? In the State House? In the State Senate ? .... AND MORE ???? 
If you understand the importance of this growing issue... and the repercutions on EVERY OTHER Budget item , then  you will want to join us MONDAY... May 6th for our next 1ST TUESDAY lunch event.
Our panel will 4 members of the Legislature who will not only play critical roles in the decision making processes.. but are ALSO private industry professionals whose background and expertise will add critical perspectives this insightful event..
Our line up of SPEAKERS include --
1] St Senator  Mark Green, MD  -- not only is he educated as a Doctor, but has started a very successful healthcare company. Dr. Green knows the business of healthcare.
2] St Senator Jim Tracy  -- a trusted leader confidant of Lt. Gov Ramsey in the State Senate and for almost 30yrs the owner of an Insurance Agency for Nationwide Insurance. He understands what the public knows... and much of what we really don't !
3] Republican House Caucus Chairman Glen Casada -  As the Caucus Leader, Glen is in a rare position to understand what is happening in the State House.. and who is likely to support.. or oppose various Legislative options.. Professionally .. Glen works "Big Pharma"
In our country.. You cannot do medicine without the Pharmacuetical Industry being involved
4] St Rep Charles Sargent, Chairman of the House Budget Committee. -- When 30% of the Budget is involved.. you can just imagine how critical the views of the Budget Committee Chairman are to the outcome. Professionally, Charles owns an Insurance Agency in Green Hills.
Needless to say.. these 4 Legislators will be major factors in what Healthcare in Tennessee... AND its affects on the Tennessee State Budget will look like !!
LITERALLY..    10's of MILLIONS of $$$$ .... your DOLLARS..   are in play !

As usually, we will meet at The Law Offices of Waller/Lansden.. 511 Union Street 27th floor. Doors open at 11AM for Coffee & Social Time. Lunch from Alexanders Catering is at 11:30AM -- $20 for Members and $25 for Guests who have prepaid .. $30 for anyone at the door the day of the event.. Visit our 1ST TUESDAY   website at  and click on Shopping Cart to secure your seat for lunch!
Again.. our 1ST TUESDAY lunch will be next MONDAY.. May 6th so our friends at the Nashville Republican Women can have the next day for their annual auction !!  Details  for the NRW event to follow !  ---  [ come to both.. and bring your check book !!  ]
Hope to see you at both events.

Tim Skow

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