Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Metro violates enviornmental and landfill rules

WSMV Channel 4 

There is a lot of demolition and construction going on in Nashville these days, but there are serious concerns about the city's plan of action for getting rid of an old building with troublesome things inside.

 The city wants to bury the materials, including arsenic and PCBs - a mixture of individual chemicals so toxic to the environment, they're no longer produced - right where they lie, just 300 yards from the Cumberland River. (link)

Thanks to Ken Jakes for yet again exposing government wrong doings. This again demonstrates how government plays by different rules than those they regulate. Whether it is violating their own rules by selling wine at farmers market, allowing a nasty dumpster to block a public sidewalk, allowing lots to be overgrown, or as in this case by violating their own rules regarding land fills and environmental hazards, government does not follow the same rules they impose on others.

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