Monday, May 06, 2013

Rowdy crowd express opposition at forum on Common Core in Franklin.

Last week in Franklin a panel of education experts met to deliver a presentations and answer questions about the state-adopted common core standards. I was not there but as the Williamson Herald reported it, " a growing buzz of dissension among a faction of the crowd overshadowed panelists’ discussion, eventually resulting in outbursts from the audience."

The panel consisted of  Kevin Huffman, commissioner for the Tennessee State Department of Education; Williamson County Schools Superintendent Dr. Mike Looney; president and CEO of of the non-profit organization State Collaborative on Reforming Education (SCORE), Jamie Woodson;  a regional math coordinator, David Williams; and president of the Parent-Teacher Organization at Kenrose Elementary, Jane McGrath. The meeting took place at The People’s Church on Murfreesboro Road in Franklin.

Here is the story:  Vocal dissenters overshadow Common Core forum

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1 comment:

  1. A quote from one of the parents in the linked story: “I don’t agree with how capitalism and religion is being portrayed. It seems that our kids are being funneled to serve a need rather than given knowledge to be innovative.”


    Anyone with a modicum of common sense wants children to have a more rigorous and effective education. We must, however, be very careful about the materials chosen to implement that goal. Between the groups of ideological textbook committees and the influential 'leaders' in education there has been a strong trend to promote one agenda.

    Caveat emptor!

